Surfline API

The surfline api is structured as follows:

  • kbyg/

    • spots/

      • details/

      • forecasts/

        • conditions/

        • wave

        • wind

        • tides

        • weather

Required parameters:

  • spotId: the id of the spot you want to get data for

Optional parameters:

  • forecasts/:

    • days: the number of days of data you want to get (default: X)

    • intervalHours: the interval in hours of the data you want to get (default: X)

pysurfline Objects

Surfline API objects have equivalent python objects.

In order to make the API easier to use, a nested object structure is used to represent the API data and translated into python objects.


The main object is SpotForecasts.

This object is a fusion of spots/details and spots/forecasts/* data.

  • spots/details data is stored as object attributes.

  • spots/forecasts/* data is stored as lists of objects.

class SpotForecasts:
    spotId: int
    name: str
    waves: List[Wave]
    wind: List[Wind]
    tides: List[Tides]
    weather: List[Weather]
    sunlightTimes: List[SunlightTime]


class Wave:
    timestamp: Timestamp
    probability: int
    utcOffSet: int
    surf: Surf
    power: float
    swells: List[Swell]
class Surf:
    min: float
    max: float
    optimalScore: int
    plus: bool
    humanRelation: str
    raw: dict
class Swell:
    height: float
    period: int
    impact: float
    power: float
    direction: float
    directionMin: float
    optimalScore: float


class Wind:
    timestamp: Timestamp
    utcOffSet: int
    speed: float
    direction: float
    directionType: str
    gust: float
    optimalScore: int


class Tides:
    timestamp: Timestamp
    utcOffSet: int
    height: float


class Weather:
    midnight: Timestamp,
    midnightUTCOffset: int,
    dawn: Timestamp,
    dawnUTCOffset: int,
    sunrise: Timestamp,
    sunriseUTCOffset: int,
    sunset: Timestamp,
    sunsetUTCOffset: int,
    dusk: Timestamp,
    duskUTCOffset: int,