Welcome to py3dinterpolations’s documentation!

This is a python package to compute quick 3D interpolations of spatial data.

Supports deterministic and interpolation methods:

  • Ordinary 3D Kriging : pykrige

  • Inverse distance weighting (IDW)

Features parameters estimation:

  • GridSearchCV for Kriging : execute a exahustive search over specified parameter values for an estimator. See scikit-learn

Supports preprocessing of data:

  • Downsampling - reduce the number of points by using statistical methods by blocks

  • Normalization of X,Y,Z coordinates reducing effect of magnitude of coordinates.

  • Standardization of signal - standard distribution of signal, reducing effect of magnitude of signal.

Visualizations in 2D and 3D:

Code reference


quick 3D interpolation with python

Indices and tables